Number One Reason Sagittarius Avoids Your Texts
Is there anything more frustrating than a Sagittarius man who leaves you hanging?
One minute he’s texting back, you’re sharing a moment, all is right with the world.
The next minute? He’s disappeared.
It’s nerve-wracking. Especially when you can see that he’s actually seen your text!
Why on earth is he suddenly silent? Maybe you tell yourself that he’s in the car, driving, or busy in a meeting at work. But that doesn’t explain why he doesn’t text you hours later.
Surely, you reason, he’s seen your text by dinner time. Bedtime. First thing the next morning.
If a day goes by and you haven’t heard back from a Sagittarius man, or if he suddenly goes silent in the middle of an actual text conversation it’s harder to rationalize his behavior away.
This is when the anxiety really starts to set in. You may start to wonder what went wrong and may even imagine the worst. You may think he’s not interested in you or that he’s talking to another woman. You may even wonder if you made him angry.
But if you know the biggest reason Sagittarius men don’t text back, you can save yourself a lot of worry and stress.
Even better, you can avoid making this crucial mistake and try to salvage the relationship if you’ve already made this mistake without realizing how detrimental it can be to your relationship with a Sagittarius man.
It's typically not the reasons you think, like he’s suddenly found someone else or you hurt his feelings. Sag men have a thicker skin than that and aren’t that fickle in love.
Here is the number one reason a Sagittarius man ignores your text.
He feels you’re being demanding of his time, energy, emotions or freedom.
I know, you’re probably thinking :"But I would NEVER do that!" And you don’t mean to.
But there are normal things that women say in relationships that don’t mean anything detrimental to any other guy, except Sagittarius.
But before becoming defensive, stop to consider….
Before he went silent did you do any of the following:
Text him with details about how excited you were about an upcoming date, event or milestone in the relationship like meeting his family?
Text him to reveal your deepest most vulnerable emotions?
Start texting about defining the relationship or moving to the “next level?”
Hint at wanting babies, marriage or a home together, even if you were talking hypothetically in the distant, distant future?
As much as Sag men love to think of the future, they love their freedom, too.
Any hint at expectations that put limits on him or tie him down will make a Sag guy freeze in his tracks.
He may not want to back off, but he will on instinct. Because you’ve unintentionally crossed a very important line.
He doesn’t want to feel reined in or limited in any way. Simple boundaries that are normal and even healthy will feel like a ball and chain to a Sagittarius man.
Of course, you’re entitled to your boundaries and need to have them in any relationships. The same with expectations. But it’s how you communicate about them that matters most.
Talk about your own desires for the future from your own perspective. Let him fantasize about your future and place himself in the picture in his own way rather than telling him how you see him fitting into your life.
Also, encourage him to talk about what he sees for himself in the future. Don’t get discouraged if his fantasy doesn’t include you…yet
It’s just a Sagittarius man’s nature to think of life as a solo adventure and think of others second. It doesn’t mean you’re not important to him. It just means he needs to feel in control and independent in order to feel secure.
The irony is the more breathing room you give him, the more a Sagittarius man will fall for you. He’ll see you as the confident, independent one woman that he needs in his life.
Even if I knew a lot, this was amazing. And some surprises. Now I know everything about how to handle his
behaviour and it helped me a lot already. Thank you!
Doreen Gillamac
Do you have the patience and endurance to hack a Sagittarius man’s texting style and get him to chase you?
I bet you do, it may just take some adjustments from what you expect him to do.
You don’t have to figure it out alone. I’m here to help.
You now understand the most common reason a Sagittarius man doesn't reply to you.
Now, although him not really being responsive through texts is, to be honest, definitely not a good sign, you shouldn't worry because there's still a lot of damage control that can be done.
First, let me tell you a bit more about his texting style, and why you can't behave the same way with every man.
Let's bring your texting game to another level. Today, you'll also get access to one powerful text that makes him chase you and pulls him back!
Ready to discover the 3 Word Text that PULLS Him Back and Makes Him Chase You?
Sending you love,
your friend & Relationship Astrologer,

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Alex, 33, Sagittarius
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Evangelina, 46, Scorpio
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Anna Kovach is known as the most sought after dating & relationships Astrologer and advisor to commitment-seeking women across the globe. Anna's guidance and astrological insights have helped countless women get the relationship they desire.
She is famous for saving 'failed' relationships, helping women secure their 'One' and showing seemingly incompatible couples “how to speak the same language.”
She uses her gift and knowledge of Astrology & relationship psychology to help couples connect and gain an intense understanding of each other. All through the power of practical and accurate astrological advice that anyone can apply to their relationship — just without the hype, overcomplicated professional terminology or vague and confusing astro-speak.
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