Sagittarius Man Horoscope for August 2024

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Are you wondering how August is going to treat your Sagittarius man? Check out the August horoscope predictions for a Sagittarius man...

Hello sweethearts, and welcome to the horoscope reading for your Sagittarius man for August. Now, for many people around the world, this is the holiday season and a time we associate with fun, being laid back, and enjoying ourselves.

But this particular August—and it’s not a big “but” because there’s plenty of positive energy—Mercury is retrograde in Virgo. That means there is a note of caution when it comes to planning and communications because, during this phase, there can be difficulties in travel, wires tend to get crossed, and there can be periods of stalemate and frustration.

Now, the other big feature of this month is Mars will be conjunct Jupiter on the 15th, which brings a vibrant, exciting energy and a particularly adventurous, playful spirit.

This is perfect for the August holidays, or, even if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere and you aren’t on holiday, it’s a great time to be motivated and proactive, particularly to be outdoors.

So for you and your Sagittarius man, it’s a time to think about how to boost your energy through positive activities, particularly those involving being physically active and finding adrenaline-pumping activities to do that are a little bit adventurous. 

Even though Mercury is retrograde and you have to look before you leap and do a little bit of planning, if you have the presence of mind, there’s still definitely a flavor of adventure and excitement and also romance because the month ends with Venus opposite Neptune and then Venus entering Libra, the planet of love.

So the month goes out on a particularly romantic note, which is quite something to look forward to.

Here’s what the stars have in store for a Sagittarius Man this August…

New Moon in Leo on the 4th of August

This is actually an awesome New Moon for Sagittarius Man as it plays towards many aspects that align with his personality. He enjoys adventure-seeking, wanting to discover new things, contributing to the world at large, and getting involved in exciting projects.

However, as his partner, this particular New Moon is not always the most conducive to relationships because he’s less eager to attach, he can be a little bit non-committal, and sometimes he enjoys doing his own thing, having space, and a little bit of freedom. So, this is not necessarily a great New Moon if you’re looking for commitment or to deepen the relationship.

However, if you both need to develop a positive new attitude, one that incorporates finding new challenges to face together as a couple, expanding the kinds of things you do in a relationship, and simply injecting a little bit of faith, optimism, and meaning into your relationship journey, it can be excellent. But the key is the journey—you should be moving forward, not stagnating or standing still as a couple.

Mercury retrograde in Virgo on the 5th of August

Now, this particular retrograde can be problematic in terms of his career pursuits. As a Sagittarius, he is a kind of impulsive guy; he’s very competitive, and he likes things to move quickly. Those particular traits are at odds with Mercury in Virgo in his 10th solar house.

So, you do need to be a little bit of a counterbalance. It’s important to help him to be systematic and organized, definitely discouraging him from cutting corners or jumping the queue in terms of things that have to be done. It’s very important to remind him to be systematic and patient, and that way he will have more chance of success.

However, it’s also a good time for information gathering. It’s a time to go deeper, analyze, and look at market research. If he wants to achieve something in his job, convince him that now is the time to look deeper, understand things more fully, and success can be his in the next few months.

Venus enters Virgo on the 6th of August

Alongside helping him to be a little bit more patient and systematic when it comes to work, this is also a really important time for him to be patient, diplomatic, and a good negotiator when it comes to things connected to his career. This may also include important discussions involving your future as a couple.

Now, what you can do as his partner is be supportive, encourage him, and let him know that the best way to go right now is by being a little bit conservative and cautious. This is a great time for relationships that are developing at the workplace, as long as you’re not on different sides of the divide or different teams, because that can really complicate matters.

If you work together and you’re working on a similar project, this is an awesome time for you guys to take that relationship into a whole new, exciting territory.

Mars conjunct Jupiter in Leo on the 15th of August

This particular transit dovetails so well with the New Moon in Leo as it’s so much about his desire to be competitive, expansive, to do new sports, and to engage in activities that get the adrenaline flowing.

So, the biggest no-no right now in relationships is anything that he feels is boxing him in, tying him down to obligations, or limiting his scope. To the extent that you guys can do exhilarating new things together, or that you encourage him in his sporting pursuits, all the better.

However, this is certainly a time when any controlling behavior is going to go down like a lead balloon. So, remember with a Sagittarius man, absence makes the heart grow fonder, and giving him more space is never really a problem; it’s always part of the solution. Even if he’s being a little bit arrogant, just let him be and let him blow off a little bit of steam in the way he needs to.

Mercury enters Leo retrograde on the 16th of August

During this particular retrograde, he can be particularly tactless. It’s very important not to overreact to anything he says. He can be quite provocative sometimes and he could even be rather argumentative.

So, the key right now is don’t get into debates, don’t get into discussions, particularly if they’re going to involve differences when it comes to morality, political views, or society. Sometimes he just kind of likes the sound of his own voice, doesn’t really want to listen, and just wants to make his own points.

This can actually be a little bit disruptive. So right now, the whole space theme continues. He’s better off when he is doing things that are physically energetic, and this dilutes some of that argumentative mental stuff.

Themes for a Sagittarius Man this August 2024

The themes of the month with Sagittarius Man are introducing novelty, having interesting discussions, using humor, and challenging yourselves as a couple. Don’t get stuck in ruts, resist the urge to control things, go with the flow, and be spontaneous.

Magic Motto – “We are always building bridges between each other and into the future.”

Magic Text – “Our differences are part of the adventure of this awesome love journey.”


The moon waxes from the 4th to the 19th of August and this represents his best opportunity to have success with new projects, initiatives, beginning new relationships or relationships reboots, so if there’s anything you guys want to jump on board with, this is the time.

The waxing phase is a really good time for large purchases like furniture, art or jewelry. This a suitable time to set budgets or organize money matters. Trust and affection will develop in your relationship and this aspect of love is more fulfilling. This is a good time for making major financial outlays. Cash flow should improve.

International travel is favored, as is taking a honeymoon. Long-distance travel is successful whether it’s for business or pleasure. When it comes to his business, promoting heavily and advertising yield results. A good time for his study goals.

The waxing phase is ideal for loans, mortgages or taking on more debt. Managing large sums of money is successful. A favorable time for tax and accounting changes. New research and development projects are successful.

This is a good time for new sexual relationships and for you and Sagittarius Guy to make improvements to or rebooting your sex life.


Mercury retrograde in Virgo from the 5th indicates that this is not a good period for job applications, new careers, major business management changes, and business travel. Leadership and mass communication with the public is tricky and he needs to be very careful with messaging and his public image.

Not a good time to get married or engaged. Also not a good time for new business partnerships. This is also not a great time for negotiation and trying to reach decisions and compromise in marriage.

Competitive activities and brand-new projects unrelated to current activities are not favored. New ventures and physical contact sports are not favored. He should be careful of diet, health and avoid extreme physical exertion.

August 2024 Horoscope for a Sagittarius Man

Week 1: Big picture 

Venus in Leo is square Uranus in Taurus this particular week meaning new relationships can be a little bit tricky. With this particular transit, there are usually a lot of differences that need to be broached, and yet there can be a little bit of excitement alongside tension. It’s almost like opposites attract and friction excites.

Now, workplace romances are particularly exciting right now, but sometimes they can be short-lived and they could actually lead to some complications. So, if you and your Sagittarius man are sweet on each other but you work together, it’s probably not the best week to take the relationship forward. 

Be a little bit cautious and be careful about the influence of other colleagues and what they know about your relationship. Now, if you’re married, it’s very important to be pragmatic right now, to see the big picture. It’s so easy to get bogged down in details and to get stressed over the small things. Try and understand the bigger picture of your relationship, and then the solutions will be easier to find.

Week 2: Constructive understanding 

Now, the Sun in Leo is sextile Jupiter in Gemini and Venus is conjunct Mercury in Virgo. This is one of the best weeks of recent times for relationship discussions. If you guys have been at loggerheads and unable to really have a constructive discussion, this is the time.

However, I’m not talking about deep, meaningful, heart-to-heart conversations where you pour out all your emotions. I’m talking about conversations where there’s an element of olive branches extending, forgiving and forgetting, and talking about things that are important to help harmony in the relationship.

So, you want to have discussions that help you both feel comfortable and understood. This may also be a good time to talk about your respective careers and career aspirations, and how that either helps or hinders the relationship.

Also, make a concerted effort to find out what you can do for each other to improve the relationship. Sometimes it’s not always clear, particularly to a Sagittarius man, what your needs are, so this is your chance to let him know.

Week 3: Bite the bullet

Now, Jupiter in Gemini is square Saturn in Pisces. That’s why it’s really important you had discussions in week two and got on the same page because, in relationships where there’s been recent discord, this can be a time when it’s really difficult to come to any agreement.

This is a testing time, particularly for long-term relationships, and it’s vital that you discuss your future and the expectations you both have of the relationship. It’s common right now that issues to do with home and family, or even your parents, are creating issues. Maybe one of your parents is coming to stay and the other one’s not feeling very happy about it.

Right now, you need to work hard at the relationship; you both need to be accommodating, and it’s important that you both understand that some things have to be endured, so bite the bullet and get it done.

Week 4: His projection 

Venus in Virgo is opposite Neptune before it enters Libra. Now, this indicates a time when there can be some emotional denial in relationships. Very often, a Sagittarius man is not really dealing with things internally, and he can either project it into the relationship or he can be more likely to go and talk to friends about problems he’s having rather than you.

Sometimes you feel that the relationship is not as close as it could be. What you have to realize is that right now, he needs a variety of influences and distractions in his life. He’s not always good at dealing with things directly, so it’s not just because he’s uncaring or he’s making excuses as sometimes he just needs time and to do things in his own way, and you just need to be a little bit patient.

I’m not saying he shouldn’t heed obligations, because sometimes you have to make sure that promises made are promises kept – always a challenge with Sagittarius.


Now, this is a week where the future comes into focus, and that means that as a couple you have to assess any ways in which you are growing apart or want different things. It’s important to bring your needs and vision for the future into alignment, and in that vein, it’s important to have some frank discussions so that you can straighten out any disagreements or areas where you feel a little bit neglected.

Now, it can be an exciting time for new relationships, but it’s a little bit confusing as well, so take them slowly. In long-term relationships, this is definitely a time when issues must be tackled with a certain degree of stoicism, and sometimes you have to grin and bear it while you sort through any particular problems that are eclipsing the relationship.

Make your Sagittarius man OBSESSED…

Have you ever fantasized about being that irresistible woman in Netflix shows…

The one the leading man just CAN’T stop thinking about?

The sexy, affectionate protagonist would do anything for this woman…

He will go to extremes to get her attention and make her happy.

Now, let’s say the star of this show is your Sagittarius man…

And you are the filler character who is secretly in love with this gorgeous man…

But is unable to get his attention.

Why is that?

Because you don’t have that “wow factor” that the irresistible girl he’s in love with has.

Well, it’s time to change the narrative.

I’ve created a list of challenges…

That will instantly make him chase youlove you, and OBSESS over you.

He will experience intense feelings he has never felt for anyone else.

Feelings he can’t ignore or suppress because you will connect to his heart in ways he instinctively responds to…

Precisely how you’ve always hoped he would.

The Challenge will become your guide to getting to the heart and soul of your Sagittarius man…

And will take you to the heart of what makes him tick.

You’ll understand his deepest desires

And fulfill the emotional needs he may not even realize he has.

Through this step-by-step, day-by-day guide…

You’ll learn how to become the woman he finds UNFORGETTABLE.

The one who “got away”…

You’ll reignite his passion and capture his heart in ways he never imagined possible.

So much so that within just 30 days, you may completely transform your relationship…

Emotionallyphysically, and spiritually!

Click here to learn more about The 30-Day Love Challenge with your Sagittarius man.

Sending you much love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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