Dating a Sagittarius Man – Make It Wonderful by Using These Tips

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
What types of things can you do to make the Sagittarius man adore you and commit to you? Keep reading for some juicy tips on dating a Sagittarius man.

What types of things can you do to make the Sagittarius man adore you, commit to you, and have a great relationship with him? There are things that may elevate your status with this airy guy. Keep reading for some juicy tips on dating a Sagittarius man.

Discuss Exciting Topics

If you’re first trying to get to know a Sagittarius man and trying to get him to pay attention to you then you’ve got to talk about really exciting stuff. Talk about your travels, your adventures, and things that are really optimistic.

Right out of the gate, you can ask him what types of things he likes to do. From there, you can talk to him about things you’ve done that are along those lines or things you’d like to try.

This opens the gate for him to want to take you on a date and do one of those things together as it will be exciting for the both of you. In the case that you’re not really into adventure, you may have a hard time bonding with this guy.

The Sagittarius man really loves living life to the fullest each day he gets up. He’s grateful to be alive and he knows tomorrow isn’t promised so he makes sure he is taking advantage of the time he has in the best way he can.

This includes finding a partner who will understand this about him and will actually take part in it as well. He appreciates someone who gets his view point and wants to live a busy life with him.

When you’re talking to him via text, social media, phone, or in person, talk about things you’d like to do with your future. You can also suggest doing something really interesting with him.

Clearly if he finds what you suggest to sound really fun, he’ll take you up on it and then you have successfully opened the door up for more from Sagittarius man. He does rely on connections so that chemistry will have to also be there.

Personal Space Is Key

Dating a Sagittarius Man

The Sagittarius man likes to have time to himself to reflect. If any of the signs are meditation type of guy, the Sagittarius is definitely one of them. He wants time to have quiet thoughts so he can think about what he wants and just be himself.

He has to have a partner that is going to respect this and understand that when he wants time alone, it shouldn’t be taken personally. He’s just such a busy guy that sometimes he has to have some solitude.

When you’re dating or even living with a Sagittarius man, he’s going to want time to himself either at home or he will go elsewhere but he has to have that sense of personal freedom or he will never settle down.

Sagittarius people often get taken the wrong way and it’s assumed that they are terrified of commitment and even marriage. That’s simply untrue. They do want to find the right person to settle down with.

They also want to get married but they want to make sure it’s for the right reasons and with the right person. What they fear more is it not working out, them getting hurt, and then having to suffer from a broken heart.

They aren’t as flaky as people make them out to be either. Sagittarius man will stick to the plans he makes unless something unavoidable comes up. He will feel terrible about backing out and will likely try to re-schedule for a better time.

If you intend on keeping your Sagittarius man happy for the long haul, let him have his personal freedom when he feels he needs it. He will do the same for you and he’ll come back to you renewed, rejuvenated, and ready to spend time with you.

Don’t Speak in Metaphor or Try to Hint Around

The Sagittarius man isn’t one for trying to figure out what you’re thinking. If you insist on talking in metaphor or trying to hint to him what you want or need, he will not get it.

You have to be direct with him in telling him what you want, what you need, and what you’d like to happen. This works the same way with your feelings. Tell him how you feel about him.

He’s not going to sit around wasting time and energy trying to figure you out. Be honest, upfront, and tell him what you want going forward with him. He’ll let you know with all truthfulness what he wants too or even what he doesn’t want.

He’s really amazing at being truthful but can come across as blunt or without a filter. This sometimes gets him in trouble with people as they certainly don’t want to hear truth or at least, his truth.

The thing is, would you rather someone candy coat things they say to you or blow smoke up your rear when they don’t meant it? Of course not!  You’d probably rather a man tell you exactly what is on his mind rather than try to guess.

That being said, this is why you should do the same thing with him. He’ll appreciate your candor and he’ll be more open to form a nice bond with you going forward if he’s into you.

Don’t Be Pushy or Demanding

Dating a Sagittarius Man

If you’re looking to win his heart and make sure it lasts, you’re going to have to be patient. When Sagittarius man is ready to take things to another he will do it. He’ll tell you what he’s feeling, especially if you ask.

You should never be confused as to where his mind is at. So don’t try to push him to hurry with commitment and definitely don’t try to hurry him into marriage. He knows what he wants and if you try to push it too hard or fast, he will shut you down.

Sadly, you could be very disappointed if you try to make him hurry or do things your way. He’s a wonderfully sweet guy with great optimism. Keep that in mind and you should do well.

If you want to better understand facts about dating a Sagittarius man, click here and learn everything there is about your special Sagittarius guy. 

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Wishing you all the luck of the universe

Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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