15 Best Gifts For A Sagittarius Man – How To Get Him The Right Gift

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Amazing gift ideas a Sagittarius will carry around and remind himself how much he loves you (gifts for a Sagittarius man that he'll never be able to forget)

It can be quite a difficult task to know what are the best gifts for a Sagittarius man because there is nothing straightforward or simple when it comes to these gentlemen…

Do you have your eye on a Sagittarius man? Perhaps you’re dating or you’re in a committed relationship with him and a big anniversary or birthday is coming up… You’ve racked your brain with what to get him, but as you know, he’s pretty impossible to satisfy. 

This can really make or break the relationship. And of course, all you want to do is impress him so that the bond between the two of you can grow closer to one another.

If you’re feeling stressed out and worried, don’t fret, just keep reading and I know you’ll find the perfect gift for your Sagittarius man.

Getting Your Sagittarius Man a Gift (How To Surprise Him?)

Sagittarius men are wild and free. Almost nothing can tame their spirits. This is a man of adventure, travel, and experience. He needs to be on the go and never chained to any place or person. 

The fact that you have bagged a Sagittarius man is very impressive. These aren’t the type of men to commit very easily. They need a lot of space and independence to truly feel happy. 

This is why getting a gift for your Sagittarius man that doesn’t come across as too serious is usually the best approach to take. Keep things light and fun and your Sagittarius man will be ecstatic. 

Think fun and games, travel, adventure, and experience when it comes to buying a gift for your Sagittarius man. You want to trigger his sense of excitement and stimulation. Anything that falls into this category is best for a Sagittarius man!

Do Sagittarius Men Like Getting Gifts?

Sagittarius men aren’t particularly material, these men are all about experiences they can remember. A Sagittarius man will always be a bit of a nomad, always on the move and never sticks to one place for too long. 

This is why material things don’t really matter to him that much… If you really want to impress a Sagittarius man then the perfect gift for him would be to give him an experience. 

And make this an experience where you join him. Remember, he is a bit of a daredevil, so if you can find fun activities that’ll get his adrenaline pumping he’ll be a very happy guy!

So to answer this question in short, Sagittarius men don’t really enjoy material gifts that much. But an experience is something he’ll always be down for.

5 Best Gifts To Get A Sagittarius Man For His Birthday

1. Traveling Gear

Sagittarius man loves to travel and go on adventures. You might think to get him something he can carry his bag in or something he can take with him. This could be suitcases, personal care bags, maps, compasses, etc.

If you know he’s going to be headed to a different climate, you could get him clothing that will be more geared toward that environment. If he’s going to a colder climate, get him a coat or some warm layered clothes.

If he’s going somewhere hot, consider swim trunks or sleeveless shirts he can wear on his trip. You can always find something that involves traveling or going on an adventure.

If you don’t want to spend such big bucks, you can still buy him practical gifts that he’ll absolutely adore. You can go to the camping section of any department store and pick him up a few camping gear essentials.

Even if he already has one of what you got, he’ll love that you thought of him and he’ll probably tell you he’ll make use of it or that he can always use two of that item.

This is great because whenever he uses your gift when he is on a trip he’ll be reminded of you and how well you know him. This is a way of getting under his skin and helping him miss you.

2. Book Him A Holiday

Sagittarius man craves and loves being somewhere new. You could even buy him a ticket to fly out somewhere special then send him packing with the gear you bought him. 

Honestly, he really is easy to please when it comes to gifts and when you think of his desire for travel or being in the great outdoors, you can absolutely make him feel special.

It is even better if you book the holiday for you both to go on. This way the two of you can go on an adventure together and make memories of your own. This is one of the best ways to get closer to your Sagittarius man. 

3. Musical Gifts

Most Sagittarius men really love music. If you aren’t quite sure what type of music he likes or his favorite bands, you can simply get him a gift card for a music store where he can buy what he likes.

Naturally, most people do this online nowadays but you can get the actual cards at grocery stores or department stores that he can cash in online. You can send an electronic card as well.

If he plays an instrument, you can get him supplies to clean and care for his instruments. It’s a very thoughtful gift that he’ll be most grateful for.

The fact that you care will make him feel great. You can get him guitar strings, cables, pedals, etc. Depending on what he has, you can just go to the store and get supplies to match it.

4. Music Tech

You can also get things that help facilitate his love for music, such as the latest noise-canceling headphones, AirPods, or other earphones that allow your guy to listen to his music when he’s on the go or sitting around relaxing.

Perhaps you can get him new speakers or something similar. A sound system upgrade is something he would definitely appreciate and enjoy! You can do a little of your own research to figure out if he needs them or not. 

Even getting him a portable speaker he can take with him on trips will be nice as well. Bluetooth speakers are awesome and very popular, especially if they are waterproof so he can take them camping or kayaking!

5. Gift Cards

The Sagittarius man loves to shop, as does his female by his side. Generally, Sagittarians love to get out there and look at the fun stuff, things that they need, or mostly, things that they want.

There is absolutely no harm in figuring out where your guy likes to do most of his shopping and sending him a gift card to buy whatever he may want! He doesn’t turn his nose up at gift cards.

Really, he is always grateful for any gift at all, but when he can buy what he wants, he’s thrilled! He will have a brilliant time shopping, knowing you gave him the funds to do it.

On that note, you can also just give him cash or a check. He’ll gladly take those and feel you’re being considerate and loving. Some people think that method is cold or thoughtless but Sagittarius man thinks it’s amazing. 

He will never turn down a gift like this. In fact, it’s sometimes better that you give him the money or take him shopping to get him what he wants. He’d rather pick something out himself.

Food gift cards are good too! If you know his favorite places, you can get him gift cards or you can plan a date to take him there. Surprise him with reservations if you can. 

The man loves gifts of all sorts so it’s hard to fail, really. He loves food, he loves shopping, he loves music, he loves beautiful fragrances, and he loves to look good. Anything that caters to his desires will please him greatly.

What To Gift A Sagittarius Man For Valentine’s Or Anniversary (5 More Ideas)

1. Spiritual Gifts

If you know what his spiritual belief system is, you can buy items that will contribute to his passion. If he’s new age, you can send him to have Reiki healing, a reading (tarot, astrology), or a massage.

You can also get a gift card for his favorite shop where he can buy his own oils, oil diffuser, incense, etc. If he’s of another belief system, you can still purchase things that go along those lines.

Sagittarius is often very serious about what he believes in his spirit. So much so, that if you are to buy him a gift that appreciates it, he will absolutely think you are a wonderful human being.

You can buy him books, you can buy him candles, or whatever you think would fit his belief system. He will think you are so sweet and respectful of what he believes that he’ll want to be closer to you.

If he’s into Astrology you can either get him a reading or you can buy him the latest and greatest astrology software so he can learn more. If he’s of another faith or belief then there are definitely CDs, movies, or something similar that applies.

2. Books, Kindles, or iPad

Sagittarius men normally like technology as much as the next guy. He will love gifts for gaming such as a gaming system or actual video games. If he’s into books like many Sag men, he will appreciate a gift card for books.

An iPad or other notebook that he can read electronic books would be a good choice as well. He loves to learn and he’s excited to explore new things. He can play games on tablets as well.

You can also get him a new phone per his favorite brand if you can afford it. If you cannot, you can also get him a gift card that would pay for a month or two of his cell phone bill.

I cannot stress this enough… a Sagittarius will be grateful for anything he receives, but the things I’ve listed will stand out to him and they will put you in his favor. This can mean asking you out or getting closer to you. 

When he sees you pay attention to what he likes and you are aware of what he wants, you’ll score big with this guy. He looks for a woman that supports him and will be optimistic about his desires. 

3. Sexy Lingerie (For You)

It’s no secret that Sagittarius is quite physical. He has a lot of energy and endurance and this definitely comes in handy in the bedroom. He is known as  one of the sexiest signs in the Zodiac! These men have mountains of passion, and they love nothing more than getting down and dirty with you.

One of the best gifts you can get for a Sagittarius man is some super-sexy lingerie for yourself! You will certainly drive him crazy with desire. You both win—you get some fancy new garments, and he gets the treat of his life (and it’s a gift that keeps giving!).

How do you know what he likes? Well, Sagittarius is a Fire sign so they tend to love the colours red and black, and they’re quite partial to lace and leather, too. Also, remember that Sagittarius rules the thighs, so perhaps getting a garter or thigh-high stockings that emphasize your thighs will do the trick.

Don’t skimp on the accessories either—a flogger, suspenders, or thigh-highs to tantalize him will have him smiling ear to ear! Ask him what his fantasy is and buy an outfit that makes it come alive.

Read more about a Sagittarius man’s favorite body part here. It might give you some more ideas on how to surprise him just the way he likes it.

4. Bedroom Toys

This goes hand-in-hand with sexy lingerie, of course. A Sagittarius man is always up for adventure and trying out something new especially if it gets to take his sex life to the next level. 

Your imagination is the only limit here, you can add so much spice to your sex life if you just get the right toys for the two of you. Whether you’d like to stay “tame” with a pair of fluffy handcuffs, or you want to peruse the BDSM sites, it’s totally up to you. Remember, your Sagittarius man is up for anything.

Trust that your Sagittarius man will be happy with any of it. These men really don’t have many boundaries when it comes to bedroom play, and they’ve probably got a lot more tricks up their sleeves than you have ever imagined! He’s never going to say no to anything you suggest, so go for it.

There are some excellent (and discreet) online sites where you can simply pick what you like and get it delivered to your door, no questions asked. This kind of gift becomes an experience that the two of you can enjoy over and over again! And remember what I said before, a Sagittarius man loves experiences.

5. A Sexy Boardgame

If you know how much Sagittarius men love sex and love to have fun with it, you might try a sexy gift. Consider buying him a game that the two of you can play together, such as sexy dice. There are many options online that can really help steam things up for those special anniversaries. 

When you roll these dice, they will tell you what you can do to your partner, such as ‘kiss’ or ‘lick’ and then the other dice says where to do so. You can imagine how much fun this would be, right? This is like playing truth or dare on another level!

He loves to play and if you’re already dating him then this may very well bring you two closer in an intimate way. I totally and completely vote for this option if you are already with your Sagittarius guy. Remember, this guy gets bored very easily so it is important to keep him stimulated.

I wouldn’t do this unless you are seeing him though, because he would probably take it to mean that you’re alright being friends with benefits. If you’re not down with that, then it’s not a good idea to start down that road. Only get this for him if you are in a committed relationship.

5 Best Gift Ideas To Get Your Sagittarius Man For Christmas

1. Tickets To A Music Festival

Earlier in the article, I mentioned how much a Sagittarius man appreciates music and one of the best things to gift a Sagittarius man is to give him tickets to a music festival. 

This combines his love for music as well as his love for experiences. If you want to see your Sagittarius man come alive, then you need to see him at a music festival. 

This gives him all the experience and adventure that he could ever desire. Remember to get a ticket for yourself so that you can embark on this experience together. 

At a music festival, you can definitely get closer to each other as there will be so many memories you can make together. Your Sagittarius man will find this gift incredibly thoughtful. 

2. An Outdoor Adventure

Continuing with the theme of adventure and experience, there is no better gift for a Sagittarius man than an outdoor experience. Think scuba diving, sky diving, swimming with dolphins, skiing, whatever! 

Anything that will get him to experience something new and exhilarating is going to really excite him. He’ll certainly love you for this. You will open his mind with a new experience. 

A Sagittarius man loves anything that gets his heart pumping and gets his adrenaline pumping. If you dare, you could always go on the adventure with him. This will really impress him and make him see that you are a woman of adventure. It is never a bad idea to take risks with your Sagittarius man. 

3. A Unique Piece Of Clothing

A Sagittarius man is usually a bold and colorful character. He likes to stand out from the pack and get everyone’s attention. A great gift for a Sagittarius man is to get him a really unique piece of clothing. 

You can indulge his wild and wacky side by getting him a cool top with a funky print or a piece of jewelry that is unlike anything else. Every time he wears it he won’t be able to not think about you.

Try to make this as personal to him as you possibly can. Make him see that you understand him like no one else. Try to think out of the box so that it can really make an impact on him.

4. A Course To Expand His Knowledge

A Sagittarius man may be wild and adventurous, but he also has a deep yearning for study and learning. He always wants to expand his knowledge and know more about the world.

He loves to learn about new things and understand something on a deeper level. One of the best gifts to get a Sagittarius man is a course on something he finds really interesting. 

This is a man who is curious about pretty much everything. The more he knows the greater satisfaction in life he has. He wants to be known as someone wise and clever. 

This is a very meaningful gift to a Sagittarius man. His search for knowledge is unquenchable and he’ll never stop. This way he’ll be able to share what he has learned with the world and that is invaluable to him. 

5. Yoga Classes

The spiritual side of a Sagittarius man is almost always overlooked. But this man is actually deeply spiritual and likes to be connected to the Universe on a deeper level. It carries a lot of meaning for him.

Whenever you see a man in a yoga class, there is a very good chance that he is likely a Sagittarius. These guys are very attracted to yoga. It not only incorporates their love of something spiritual but their extreme athletic ability. 

These guys love to push their bodies to the brink and see how far they can go. Yoga isn’t easy and can be a very nice challenge for a Sagittarius man to participate in. 

Gift your Sagittarius man with yoga classes in which you can both go together. This will develop your bond on a deeper level and he’ll be able to show off his strength to you. This is definitely the perfect gift to get your Sagittarius man. 

Conclusion To Sagittarius Man Gifts

The appeal is to let your Sagittarius guy feel as though he’s really important to you. Gifts are a sweet way of showing your heart to him.

Keep your man’s desires and passions in mind when you’re trying to find unique gifts for a Sagittarius man. Get to know him and what he really loves and you should be able to do quite well.

I hope that this has helped you get a better idea of what types of gifts you can get for your Sagittarius man who has won your heart. He deserves the good that he gives and you’re the perfect woman to show him.  

Normal Dating Advice Can Backfire With A Sagittarius Man

Over the years, I’ve had a lot of my clients send me advice they got from dating coaches. They wanted to know if it would work with their Sagittarius man.

And I literally wanted to scream with frustration.


Because most dating advice definitely will NOT work if you use it with a Sagittarius.

You see, Sagittarius men are VERY different than men of other signs.

And if you use standard dating advice with a Sagittarius, it can backfire.

He might disappear forever and you’ll never hear from him again.

I don’t want that to happen to you.

Especially when it is SO easy to draw him to you and get him to connect deeply with your heart.

You just need to know the specific phrases to tell him… So he’ll NEVER want to lose you.

He’ll be wrapped around your finger… And it won’t take him long to put a ring on that finger either.

These phrases are the EXACT thing you need to turn everything around with him.

So… for heaven’s sake… DON’T listen to normal dating coaches! They give out the same advice for ALL men… which is absolutely insane.

Because your wonderful Sagittarius is NOT like other men… at ALL.

Click here to find out the specific things your Sagittarius man needs to hear to melt his heart <<

Wishing you all the luck in the universe,

Your sister and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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