Date Night Ideas With A Sagittarius Man

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
So, you’ve managed to get a date with a Sagittarius man that you’ve been interested in. Congratulations! But the hardest decision has yet to be made… what will the two of you do? If you’re unsure of where to go or what to do with the Sagittarius man, keep reading to get the full picture of where the best bet is for your date! 

So, you’ve managed to get a date with a Sagittarius man that you’ve been interested in. Congratulations! But the hardest decision has yet to be made… what will the two of you do??

The good news is that a Sagittarius is typically an adaptable guy who will try to appreciate the positives of wherever you two decide to go. 

Despite this, there are certainly some date ideas that are going to send it over the top for the Sagittarius man. 

If you’re unsure of where to go or what to do with the Sagittarius man, keep reading to get the full picture of where the best bet is for your date! 

Go On An Adventure Date

This date is going to be a surefire success when a Sagittarius is involved. A Sagittarius is a natural risk taker. Being a fire sign, they typically do not shy away from extreme activities. 

Taking a Sagittarius on an adventure date is going to help them to see the bold side of you, and this is always a good thing to show to a Sagittarius. 

I recommend checking out the sort of adventurous things you have got around you locally. I’m thinking going to the go kart track, an escape room, or rock climbing (indoor or outdoor). 

Anything that gets the adrenaline pumping is going to be a safe bet! Be creative with it and make it personal, as this is going to keep the Sagittarius thinking of you and how much thought you put into the date. 

Go To A Comedy Show

Date Night Ideas With A Sagittarius Man Comedy Show

Sagittarians are ruled by the planet Jupiter, the largest planet in the Solar System. Jupiter keeps the mood light and the vibe fun. 

As a result, most Sagittarians are big fans of comedy. It’s their happy place… literally! Jupiter keeps these people lighthearted and laughing no matter what the circumstances. 

Sagittarians are among the signs that would most appreciate a comedy show, comedy movie, standup, or a comedic theater show. 

This is going to show the Sagittarius that you have a sense of humor, and this as well is super important to them. They need to stay lighthearted and they need to keep their minds open to the more optimistic possibilities. 

This will give you plenty of opportunities to try to slip in a little hand holding! This will also help you gauge where their sense of humor lies so that you know even better for the next date. 

Take A Class Together

This may seem like a weird first date, but I actually think a Sagittarius man is going to appreciate seeing this side of you right off the bat. Learning is extremely important to a Sagittarian. 

This is going to pique their interest immediately, because they are heavily associated with both Jupiter and the ninth house. What this means is that Sagittarians are all about learning and expanding their minds. This is typically associated with learning beyond state mandated education. 

So, a Sagittarius is likely going to jump at the chance to take a class. What a perfect in! And this gives you the opportunity to see what lights them up. 

A Sagittarian will adore going to a class with you, because then they get to see what it is that you would be inspired to learn about. They’ll be interested in this and you two will have an excellent starting point to continue looking into further study. 

Try A Restaurant That Serves Foreign Food

Dinner With Sagittarius Man In Fancy Restaurant

Sagittarians, being ruled by the ninth house of long-distance travel, are going to be really into finding new cultures to explore. Many Sagittarians even end up falling in love with people with a vastly different background than their own. 

They are going to be on board with anything that is multi-cultural. As a result, going to eat someplace that serves authentic foreign cuisine is going to be a huge plus for you! 

This is going to demonstrate to him how open minded you are. They need to be partnered with someone who has a broad perspective and who is willing to give almost anything a shot. 

They also enjoy novelty so taking them to a foreign restaurant that they’ve never been to before is going to be an extra bonus. I highly recommend giving this one a try. And remember, the more different the food from your own native food, the better! 

Try A Bookstore Date

Despite the fact that they appear to be the opposite of a bookworm due to their outgoing, party animal nature, they are actually often into books and reading! 

Once again, this is because of the associations with the ninth house of higher education and publishing. These signs love themselves some books. 

I recommend using the book store as a good way to get to know one another. You’ll get a lot deeper conversation in while discussing your favorite authors and you’ll be able to learn a lot about one another in the process.

The Sagittarius is going to respect how intelligent you are if you take him to a bookstore. I think a good activity would be to buy each other a book to read and then in a week plan to meet up again to talk about it. 

Romantic book club of two? Sounds like heaven to a Sagittarius!

Read next: 5 Things That Turn Off A Sagittarius Man

Make It A Surprise

While this isn’t a specific date idea, whatever you end up choosing to do would be even better if you didn’t tell them where they are going. Sagittarians love surprises and the unknown! 

They don’t fear much at all since they are a fire sign ruled by optimistic Jupiter. They believe that at the end of the day things are going to turn out okay, so you likely won’t find them freaking out over what you have planned. 

They will thoroughly enjoy the anticipation of not knowing what you have in mind. Plus, the surprise element is going to make them much more interested in the date and they definitely won’t cancel… they’ve got to know what you have planned!

I recommend amping them up by telling them how excited you are for the date and then as the days get closer you can assist them in trying to guess by giving little hints. 

This will put their exhilaration for the date (and more importantly, for you!) over the top. They will be so intrigued that you and the date will be all that’s on their mind until the day comes. 

Have you ever planned a date with a Sagittarius man? What was it and how did it go? I am dying to know what happened! Let me know in the comments down below. 

Don’t know a whole lot about Sagittarians? I recommend checking out my book, Sagittarius Man Secrets for the full scoop on what makes these guys tick. You can find it right here.

Wishing you all the luck in the Universe, 

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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