How to Attract a Sagittarius Man in October 2020

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
How to attract a Sagittarius man in October 2020? Draw the attention of a Sagittarius man or improve your relationship with one in October 2020!

Every month, the planets change signs and affect our relationships. Depending on the planetary movements, it may be tough to understand the needs and desires of the Sagittarius man. But with my tips based on the monthly energy, you can draw the attention of a Sagittarius man or improve your relationship with one in October 2020.

Attracting a Sagittarius Man in October 2020

1. Get to Know His Friends

If you really want to know what the Sagittarius man is like in a relationship, get to know — and talk to — his friends. They are one of the best (and most honest) representations of who he is as a person. 

This is especially true in October 2020 when the Sagittarius man’s primary focus is gathering with his tribe and building a team. October 2020 is his month of getting involved with the community. 

From October 1 until October 22, the Sun in socialite Libra will transit the Sagittarius man’s eleventh house of friendships and community service. 

In astrology, when the Sun is in the eleventh house, it is an excellent time to go on group outings and connect with like-minded people. It is a time to share thoughts and ideas; to fellowship for a shared cause. 

During this transit, the Sagittarius man will gravitate towards the woman who is comfortable socializing with diverse groups of people. He wants someone who fits easily into his inner circle. 

To show interest in the Sagittarius man, let it be known that you can be social and have a good time. Show him that you are open-minded and diverse.

To break the ice, start out by going on a casual group outing with friends and just get to know each other. Take the pressure off your relationship and feel the chemistry out. Once things progress along, you can start dating as a party of two.

By starting out as friends, you help the Sagittarius man feel comfortable, and this encourages him to open up.

2. Think Long-Term

When it comes to love and relationships in October 2020, the Sagittarius man is looking for more than a good time. 

From October 2 until October 27, Venus, the planet of love and romance, will spotlight his tenth house of long-term commitment. 

Because the tenth house deals with lifetime partnership and generational wealth, the Sagittarius man is most attracted to the woman he sees long-term potential with. He wants someone he can build a family and even a business with.

As a woman seeking to win the heart of a Sagittarius man, use this transit to express your desires for the future.  

If looking for fun activities to do together, choose experiences that encourage the Sagittarius man to invest and increase his self-confidence and material wealth. 

With the holiday season slowly approaching, he may be inviting you to a work gathering or networking event. Make sure you pull out your best Halloween costume and matching hairdo — look the part!

As a current or potential partner, it’s important to understand that in October, the Sagittarius man is heavily focused on building his reputation and expanding his community circle, so make sure he knows you plan to stick around for the long haul. 

If you want to catch his attention, offer to pitch in and help with whatever is needed. Be supportive of his ideas. 

3. Watch Your Words

When it comes to communicating with the Sagittarius man in October 2020, it would be wise of you to watch your words. 

From October 13 until November 3, Mercury, the planet of communication and thought, will station retrograde in Scorpio. 

In astrology, when Mercury stations retrograde, it is an opportunity to slow down and review your thoughts and public messages. Anything involving sending and receiving information such as emails, phone calls, text messages, and in-person conversations requires more tact and diplomacy. 

For the Sagittarius man, Mercury retrograde is a time of extreme sensitivity and healing. During this transit, Mercury will spotlight his twelfth house of ending and completion. 

Because the twelfth house is associated with healing and psychic abilities, the Sagittarius man is more aware of others’ energies and vibrations. He has increased insight and reads between the lines. 

During this transit, he is most attracted to the woman who is honest and sincere; someone who knows how to communicate with respect and kindness for her fellow human. 

At the same time, he wants someone direct and straight-forward; someone who cares about him enough to admit her fears and courageously tell him what she needs. 

Therefore, if you want to attract the Sagittarius man during Mercury retrograde, be mindful of your energy and how it comes across. 

Make sure you are expressing yourself from an emotionally balanced space. 

Read next: How to Make a Sagittarius Man Jealous Without Busting a Sweat

4. Take a Bae-cation

Are you or the Sagittarius man feeling a little burned out? Could you use some quiet time away from the world to reconnect and have some uninterrupted fun? 

If so, clear your schedule for this week, because the Full Moon in Aries says it’s time for a much-needed bae-cation. 

Even if early October is too soon to plan a spontaneous trip, find some time before the month ends to do something exciting together.

Whether it’s driving to your favorite nearby road-trip destination or checking into the local bed and breakfast for a quiet staycation, find the space to laugh and connect. 

Overall, if you want to attract a Sagittarius man in September 2020, I suggest building a relationship with his friends, thinking long-term, being considerate with your words, and getting out of town. 

Because in the long-run, October 2020 is a month where the Sagittarius man is thinking deeply about how your relationship potentially fits into his long-term future. 

For those who are ready to dive deeper and start your journey to unconditional love with a Sagittarius man, my guide Sagittarius Man Secrets is better than any daily, weekly, or monthly horoscope app you’ll ever read. 

Instead of just giving you the basic knowledge of the Sagittarius man, I share real-life stories and examples of women who have been where you are and now have the relationships of their dreams.

In this intuitive guide, I’ll share with you my top secrets for winning the heart of the Sagittarius man. If you’re ready, purchase Sagittarius Man Secrets here.

And why not take my free love and compatibility quiz to find out if you and your Sagittarius man are a match?

I’d love to hear your results in the comment section below!

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach 

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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