What Sagittarius Men Like In Bed – Everything You Need To Know

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Are you turned on by a steamy Sagittarius man but aren’t sure what you can or should do in bed with him? Here are some facts about Sagittarius man in bed.

Sagittarius men are wild in bed. They know how to rock a woman’s world by their pure physicality and explorative nature. If you have never slept with a Sagittarius man, then I can’t recommend it enough! They know exactly what they are doing when it comes to matters of sex.

Are you wondering what your Sagittarius man is like in the bedroom? Is he really as wild and erotic as everyone says? Or do you simply looking to find out how to please a Sagittarius man sexually? Then I can’t recommend this article enough.

Let us explore together what Sagittarius men are like in bed and how you can please him by giving him a night he will never forget. If this sounds like something you need to know, then please keep on reading to find out more!

A Sagittarius Man Loves To Have Fun In The Bedroom

The Sagittarius man isn’t looking to have a deep spiritual connection every time he has sex. He wants to have fun, enjoy himself, laugh, and make each sexual time very fulfilling.

If you become someone who is emotional while having sex, he may struggle with it because he simply isn’t this way himself. A Sagittarius man in bed is happy-go-lucky and filled with excitement.

He loves to try new things, be kinky and adventurous, and have a fantastic experience every single time he has sex with someone. In fact, he needs a partner who is willing to keep up with him.

He would like to have a woman who isn’t overthinking things when having sex. He wants her to relax, enjoy the ride, and be filled with great joy in what the two are doing together.

A woman too emotionally clingy will turn him off and will likely cause him to think about whether or not he should even be sexual with her. It may also make him decide to move on.

A Sagittarius Man Hates Predictability And Routine

The Sagittarius man doesn’t like living in a routine, nor does he want a partner who is predictable. Doing it the same way, at the same time, on the same day, and in the same way, will turn him off more than you can imagine.

A Sagittarius man in bed is spontaneous and loves to find the most enjoyment possible in the situation. He doesn’t want to plan out sex… EVER! If you want to keep his attention, you’re going to have to be random and experimental.

I’m not saying you have to be a swinger or hang from the ceiling (he may not actually mind these things though), but I am saying that you need to be more open to what he has to offer or what you can explore and learn for yourself.

Sex is far more enjoyable for the Sagittarius man when it’s out of the blue and in some place that is a bit risqué. Outdoors would be quite a turn-on as would a public place where you could get caught.

You don’t NEED to do these things but hopefully, I’m giving you some good ideas of what I mean by spontaneous and adventurous rather than planning it by the book with the same position.

A Sagittarius Man Loves Women Who Are Open-Minded In The Bedroom

how to please a sagittarius man sexually

Remember that I mentioned his lust for life and need for adventurous sex life? He IS the type of guy that has no problem with threesomes, swinging, or having an “open” relationship.

If you’re dead-set against it, then he’ll work with you. I don’t want you to think that he’s a hard ass and has to have multiple partners. He’s not like that. He would REALLY enjoy it though and thinks you would as well.

If you’re willing to be open and give it a try, he’ll think the world of you. Sex may be quite fulfilling and erotic for both of you. Even just a one-off threesome would be satisfying for him.

When he’s matured, he tends to calm down quite a bit and won’t suggest these things to you because he feels quite at peace with just one lover. When he’s younger, he wants to live it up.

However, when he’s in love, he’ll do just about anything you want. Even if that means he has to only be with one partner, he’ll do it. His love outweighs his animalistic desires.

Don’t worry about whether or not you should do kinky things like this because if you don’t want to, he won’t pressure you and won’t make you feel that it’s something he needs.

A Sagittarius Man Loves A Woman Who Is Comfortable With Herself

sagittarius man erogenous zone

Above all else, relax when you’re with him. If you’re intense and worried about your performance, you’re going to miss out on some hard-core chemistry with the sexy Sagittarius man.

The Sagittarius man in bed is someone you’ll never forget. He knows what to do with what he’s been blessed with. He’s typically quite amazing with his gifts and really wants to share them with you.

Whether that means having someone else in the mix for a night of unbridled eroticism or just the two of you letting loose and showing each other the best time possible, the Sagittarius man will absolutely lust for you.

Wear some sexy lingerie, tempt him with his erogenous zones, and just have fun with it all. Keep serious times for when you’re not enjoying each other on a carnal level.

The Sagittarius Man’s Erogenous Zones

Everyone has different things that they like that turn them on more than anything else. The Sagittarius man’s erogenous zones are his hips and inner thighs. You’d do well to massage him very gently and erotically.

You’ll find that he responds quite well to this type of stimulation and he’ll be floored that you hit his spots without you telling him. The Sagittarius man in bed is very sexy and highly into eroticism and he just loves it when a woman pays attention to his hips and thighs by touching, kissing, and licking this part of his body.

Remember, he’s adventurous and he wants sex to be VERY exciting. If you’re trying to have a relationship with him, you should make sure that you don’t pressure him – show him that you are chill and have a lot of fun in bed.

The Sagittarius Man’s Favorite Sex Positions

Sagittarius Man Erogenous Zones

As you very well know, a Sagittarius man is larger than life and knows how to have a good time, but especially so in the bedroom. He’s a wild one and wants to try out everything at least once. He’s an extremely physical sign and needs a lot of sex.

The craziest most physical positions are the ones that drive him wild and make him unbelievably horny. He loves to have sex standing up, he loves it in doggy, but most of all, he loves to have sex out in nature or in a public place where there is a chance to get caught. He just loves the adrenaline of it all.

One position you should really try with your Sagittarius man is that of the Arch. Basically, get him to sit on the bed with his legs straight out in front of him, while you sit on your knees on top of him as he penetrates you, then as you get more comfortable arch your back towards his feet. This gives him a lovely view and he can easily explore your body in this position.

He’ll be really impressed with your acrobatics and willingness to try something different. And by the way, this position is extremely intense for a woman, so don’t say I didn’t warn you! The orgasms you’re about to have are on another level – guaranteed!

Wrapping Up

Sagittarius men are the craziest bunch in the bedroom. If you want to be with a man who is going to push you out of your comfort zone sexually, then he is just the guy for you. He is the perfect partner for a woman who has a high sex drive. This is the man who will know how to satisfy all of your needs.

He loves sex and he can’t get enough of it. He’s very experienced, so trust me when I say that the best sex that you’ll ever have is with a Sagittarius man. He loves to share in the pleasure and loves it when he can make a woman wither and shake because of his skills.

Let your Sagittarius man guide you; he knows what he is doing and can teach you a thing or two. You just need to allow yourself to flow and be open-minded about the whole experience. Get out of your comfort zone and experience the intense pleasure of being with a Sagittarius man. Trust me, it is worth it!

Give it time and see if a relationship can come from this. Being with a Sagittarius man can be really exciting, so follow what your heart tells you.

And remember to keep your wits about you – this guy is super clever and it can be easy to fall for him, so just be careful of your heart.

What if I told you there is still hope for you and your Sagittarius man?

He might not be using you after all.

It is important that you don’t lose hope in the situation.

That not everything is lost and there is still something you can do to savor the relationship…

You would probably think I’m crazy because to you it certainly feels like your Sagittarius man has given up on you, isn’t interested in you, and that the love you once shared is no longer there…

Trust me, if a Sagittarius man ever liked you then there is certainly hope for the relationship to be salvaged.

Why would he sleep with someone if he didn’t like them just even a little?

There is still a lot you can do to fix the relationship with your Sagittarius man!

And to make him see you for the woman you truly are.

<— Check this out

You may feel like you are at your wit’s end, but I promise, where there was once attraction, there is certainly still hope.

It is just up to you and whether not you are serious enough about doing the work to get the results you are looking for…

And you can do this without running to him and begging him to love you again.

Everything is up to you, you have him in the palm of your hands, so it is about time that you start believing that!

Remember you are an empowered woman, so treat the situation as such.

<— Check this out on how to fix your relationship with your Sagittarius man

Wishing you so much love and happiness.

Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach


About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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