Sagittarius Man Predictions for October 2023

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Monthly September predictions for your Sagittarius man. Things to know about your Sagittarius man this month and how to help him in his journey.

Hello there, and a very warm welcome to the month of October and your guide for Sagittarius Man.

This is an important month because there is lots of potential to work on relationships before the hustle and bustle of the festive season gets underway and the mad end-of-year rush. The planets are quite busy this month as all the personal planets are changing signs, plus we have the New Moon in Libra and Pluto goes direct Capricorn for the last time in any of our lifetimes.

Now these transits are fabulous for the external elements of his life, so career, socializing, ambitions, hopes, and aspirations are all emphasized.

For you as a couple, this is an opportunity to establish some positive purpose and direction to give impetus to the rest of the year. It’s also a great time for some socializing, hanging out with friends, and benefiting from the perspective being with different sorts of people can bring to your relationship.

It’s perhaps less of a time to cut yourself off and more of a time to open yourselves up to a multitude of new influences to help reboot your sex life and romance.

Mercury enters Libra – 6th October

This represents quite a light-hearted effervescent flavor for the month, however he’s also likely to be more restless and to review some of his goals or expectations depending on how his life is going. This is a time when he might be frustrated and a little bit disappointed, but on the other hand, this is an excellent time to accommodate those sorts of feelings, for him to talk about what he feels isn’t going right in his life, so that you can put some plans in place to rectify that.

In some cases, both of you may have fallen into a rut and may have allowed many of the more aspirational and idealistic aspects of your lives to slip. We all get caught in routines that we ultimately become slaves to, and every now and again a little bit of frustration and disappointment is the cue that we need to take some of the exciting goals that make our life worthwhile off the back burner and get them to the forefront.

This is a great time if you are a dating Sagittarius Man, as it’s ideal for attending festivals, large events and concerts together, however sometimes you may feel you’re having to share him with his friends, because of his shorter attention span and he tends to spread himself quite thin around a number of different activities that are vying for his attention.

Venus enters Libra – 10th of October

Venus’ entry into Libra is a really positive transit for Sagittarius Man as it favors romance and dating as well as improvements in the friendship side of the relationship. This is a great time for you and Sagittarius Man to get to know each other better and to start developing some goals together.

All new couples need a sense of purpose which you can work together on as a team, so couples who are strongly aligned in terms of having the same ideals and vision for the future will really gel, however this is also a time when political and ideological differences can be problematic in relationships.

So if you and Sagittarius Man are chalk and cheese in terms of what you want out of life and what you believe about life, this can be a time when you really have to give each other space or come to compromises to prevent locking horns.

This is certainly another cue that you should be making the most of life and enjoying yourselves, and that you should also review the people that you hang out with most. They say that we are a combination of the five people we spend the most time with, so maybe it’s time for you and Sagittarius Man to start analyzing who these five people are and rearranging your social circle to include people who reflect who you want to be in the future rather than who you are now.

Pluto direct in Capricorn – 11th October

This represents an important time for money and investment decisions, you and Sagittarius Man may need to talk about making a once in a lifetime purchase, investment or buying a major new asset for your home or for his business. If you guys are dating, this may be the time when you talk about moving in together and opening a joint bank account, but either way this should be an important phase for long-term financial and investment decisions that need to be taken with a lot of consideration.

Mars enters Scorpio – 13th October

Scorpio represents the 12th house for Sagittarius guy and Mars’s entry into Scorpio is not one of the most proactive positions for Mars, this can be a time when he’s more likely to procrastinate, suffer from low energy, fatigue and to doubt himself.

Therefore this is a time when he needs you to be positive, to give him a lot of support and also to be intuitive and not to raise any issues which are likely to be sensitive. It’s also important to inspire him to eat well and eat less of the coping foods, like the caffeines and alcohols, because this can actually further drain and deplete.

The problem right now is his energy is easily sapped, so caffeine can boost him for a while, but then he tends to just fall flat, so getting a good night sleep and eating clean is very important.

Mercury enters Scorpio – 23rd October

During this time it’s more difficult for you to draw him on certain subjects, he can be quite evasive and may even shut you down, so this is possibly not the best time for interrogating him or trying to get his opinion on certain sensitive issues.

This is one of those phases where you have to rely on your knowledge of him and your intuition to navigate the relationships, because he doesn’t always give you a clear cut answer. One of the things to note right now is he doesn’t want to be wrong and sometimes he’s undecided but he doesn’t want to show weakness, so he’s very keen to cover up any vulnerabilities and not reveal his Achilles heel, and that’s why he’s not totally forthcoming.

Thus this is not the best time for clarity of communication, however, if you are able to use your senses and to sense what’s lurking between the words by being quite observant and a good listener, you can still get all the information you need.

New Moon in Libra – 14th October

Energies connected to courage, fulfilment and inspiration rush into his life, and he can capitalize on networks and good relationships that he’s already established. This tends to be a year of good karma, so any effort that he has plowed into friendships, organizations or groups of people will now come back to reward him.

Theme of the Month – This is a wonderful time for you and Sagittarius Man to work on things that give your life meaning and make you feel great, and possibly you should put off a few of the less desirable tasks that you feel obliged to do.

Do: The new moon phase extends from the 14th of October to the 28th of October this waxing phase is the perfect fortnight for new initiatives, setting plans, establishing goals, starting anything prospective and being proactive.

In the waxing phase it’s excellent for his exams, public speaking, and communication with people. Great for learning and experiencing new things. Excellent for multi-tasking and flexibility. Internet dating and long-distance love are successful. IT and journalism projects are favored.

Avoid: He should be cautious in publishing, public speaking, asset management, financial audits and tax affairs.

New sexual relationships aren’t favored.

Access your Sagittarius Man’s full 2023 Horoscope here

Week 1 – Finding his tribe

This is definitely a time when he needs to let his hair down and hang out with people who support and appreciate him. This is certainly a time when his networks, both professional and social, provide a lot of reassurance for him.

He can often feel as if his life is lacking direction or moving in the wrong direction and he benefits from the advice of other people, he can easily feel lonely and isolated, and that’s why it’s important for him to be with supportive friends or alternatively join new groups and organizations of like-minded people who are going to be there for him. Therefore support him in his quest to find his tribe.

This is definitely a time to put decisions about the home, moving home, home hunting, property investments or renovations on the back burner. It’s also not a good time to be too involved with family in terms of having guests to stay.

Home life tends to be a place where he needs to be able to retreat and have a sanctuary, and any decisions made regarding your home now are likely to be made with a certain amount of confusion and therefore will not work out well.

Week 2 – Stick to Your Guns

This is certainly a week where you need to stick with some established goals, it’s not a good time for jumping into something totally new or random. He definitely doesn’t want to be following tangents or jumping on a bandwagon, this is a time when you as a couple need to be a strong unit, to come to decisions together and commit to those decisions, then work hard to actualize them.

In fact, what’s important right now, is not necessarily what decision you make, it’s the fact that you, together, commit to making something work and do your best to actualize a plan.

This is a wonderful time to show him strength by being assertive and taking control, the more in control you are, the more secure he feels. This is a time when he is insecure, and he likes a partner who is firm and isn’t afraid of standing in their own power.

Week 3 – Sorry Should Never be the Hardest Word

In long-term relationships, fairness and balance is an essential building block. Relationships that have fairness and a sense of justice at the core will thrive.

However, in relationships where there is this lingering feeling that there’s some oppression, that one person is taking advantage or that one person is not accountable, resentment festers and communication becomes insincere.

Lack of fairness, leads to secrecy and avoidance which ruins trust and so everything starts with real fairness at the heart of the relationship.

The words ‘I’m sorry’ are vital in relationships. Treading on each other’s toes is inevitable, but continuing bad feeling or conflict is always a choice. So make the choice to apologize and move things on.

Week 4 – Untouchable

This is a week in which he values privacy and seclusion. He needs to get away from it all to develop a sense of detachment, and often retreating to his safe space, to his den or to somewhere where he feels quite untouchable as this a good way of him getting a perspective on things.

This week it’s all about releasing anxiety, absorbing positive energy and ridding himself of anything that is toxic. So in order to rejuvenate his mind, it’s important for him to places where he can avoid everything that’s toxic in his life, from work relationships to marriage.

In Closing

It’s a vital for you guys to take a holistic attitude to your relationship, it’s not just about sex, romance or communication, it’s also about good habits like regular exercise and good food which can help you to develop a better mentality and therefore develop a more rational and constructive approach to your relationship.

Show him appreciation, in his career he’s more likely to be in situations we he’s unappreciated and he doesn’t get credit for what he does, or says, so try not to demoralize him because he quite self-critical and down on himself now, so boost his confidence and show him love by showing appreciation.

This is a loving phase in his life, and there’s a calm energy that he’s emitting. Mentally he’s quite stable and he has a deeper understanding of himself and those around him, and he’s likely to be more tolerant, and this level of tolerance opens so many doors for him to receive support and nourishment emotionally.

If this hasn’t quenched your thirst, you know where to find me, same place, as always.

Wishing you love and luck with your Sagittarius Man,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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