8 Secrets To A Happy Marriage With A Sagittarius Man

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
I'm going to share with you the eight secrets to a happy marriage with a Sagittarius man so that you’re able to keep him happy for many years to come.

The Sagittarius man is known for his optimistic view of life and love. He’s a “live for today” type of guy. This makes him very unique and open-minded. How do you keep him feeling that way about you?

Don’t worry – it’s not too hard. I am going to share with you the eight secrets to a happy marriage with a Sagittarius man so that you’re able to keep him thriving with you for many years to come. Keep reading to learn all you can!

8 Secrets To A Happy Marriage With A Sagittarius Man

1. Go With The Flow

The Sagittarius man changes his mind and plans often. It’s not that he doesn’t care or that he’s avoiding doing things with you, he’s just truly all over the place with his thoughts.

Even when he’s married, he tends to daydream and think about all the things he wants to do and places he wants to visit. He’s an adventurer at heart.

When you’re a go with the flow kind of wife, then you are showing your understanding of him and the way he thinks. Keeping a flexible agenda and knowing that dinner plans could change at any moment is well worth it.

The Sagittarius man may suggest taking off for a weekend and enjoying yourselves on a mini-vacation in a new place. If that sounds good to you, then you’re definitely meant for marriage with a Sagittarius man.

2. Passion & Romance

Romance With A Sagittarius Man

The Sagittarius man is good at being romantic and passionate. He wants you to be that way as well. He wants an equal in the marriage.

This man appreciates love poems, music, letters, and artwork. Whatever you do for him, he will absolutely love it. It puts him “in the mood” and that’s always a good idea…

It also shows him that you appreciate him and truly care. When you’re passionate about life, then you are optimistic (which is exactly what he’s like!). The two of you can rule the world together!

That’s what a Sagittarius man is looking for. Lay it on thick. He will do the very same thing for you. Show him your heart, he wants to see it!

3. Welcome Adventure

Do not be afraid to try new things. The Sagittarius man loves to delve into places and things he hasn’t experienced before. It fuels his passion for life which always puts him in good spirits.

Try initiating something really fun. Bring it up out of left field and say, “let’s go, it will be a blast!”  He’ll act like a little boy who is excited to be taken somewhere special.

You can even sit down with him and discuss where you two will go next on an adventure. You can write down some places together and then place them in a hat. Let him pull one out and see where it says.

Doing things like this uplifts the Sagittarius man and makes him see you as the ultimate partner for him. That’s exactly what he needs. It keeps him on his toes.

With an adventurous woman, he always has something to look forward to with you. Especially when you’re not afraid to get out there and try new experiences that you never would have before. Remember, he’ll be there with you and he will keep you safe!

4. Give Him His Space

Romance With A Sagittarius Man

For a Sagittarius man, it’s healthy to have a partner with whom he can spend time with and spend time apart as well. He thinks you should go have fun with your friends or family.

He wants to be able to do the same thing. Sometimes, he just wants time to himself so he can work on his own creative projects or goals.

If he doesn’t mention that he needs time alone, then you can even take the initiative to suggest he take some time for himself and you’ll go hang out with the girls for the night.

Letting him have time to be himself will make him see you like a really amazing wife. He’s not into the clingy type of wife that wants him all to herself. That makes him feel tied down.

Give him his freedom. He will always come back to you, rest assured. His love will only fade if you put up resistance or insist that he not do his own thing.

5. Understand & Accept The Changing Moods

One day, your Sagittarius guy is super happy, and then by nighttime, he’s worried or can fall into a depressive mood. Thankfully, he typically recovers because he’s the optimistic one of the Zodiac.

He will never stay in a dark space in his mind for too long. The Sagittarius guy wakes up the next day ready to tackle the world again. He remembers that it’s a new day with fresh possibilities.

As his wife, you’ll have to recognize his moods and act accordingly. If he seems down, talk to him. Ask him what’s wrong and if he wants to divulge to you.

He will love knowing he has you to talk to. You’re supposed to be his rock and his other half. Sometimes, he will want to sulk and not be bothered.

Having a patient wife will make him feel more relaxed. He knows you’re there for him no matter what mood he’s in, and that makes him feel very secure in the future he has with you.

6. Be Ready To Travel… And Move

Happy Marriage With A Sagittarius Man

Have I mentioned that the Sagittarius man loves to travel? Yes, as you probably (most definitely!) know being married to this free spirit, adventure is always on the horizon. The thing that you need to prepare yourself for is, the Sagittarius will typically move several times throughout their life before they will settle down in one spot. And even when he does, he’ll still want to travel.

If you’re alright with moving from one place to another every so often then you’ll probably be just fine with your Sagittarius man. He may even take a job that allows him to travel.

You’d need to be very understanding of him if he isn’t home as often as you’d like because of his job. He probably loves that job as it allows him to see different places and experience new things.

7. Free Yourself Of Jealousy

Something that will ruin a healthy and happy marriage with a Sagittarius man is jealousy or a very clingy wife. He wants you to have your own life outside of your relationship with him.

You two can do things together for sure but you’ve also got to do things apart. He needs breathing room and you will drive him crazy if you need to be around him constantly.

That’s not a viable option with Sagittarius man. Eventually, he will get tired of you accusing him of things he’s not doing.

He may flirt and he may be flirted with but he knows what’s wrong. If you two are solid then you don’t need to worry about him. Let him go do this thing and be okay with it.

He knows where the line is and won’t cross it. If you expect him to trust in you then you have to trust in him as well. It goes both ways.

8. Lots of Passionate Sex

Passionate With A Sagittarius Man

Yep… Sagittarius men love sex. He’s going to want plenty of it with his sexy wife. He chose you for a reason. Being attracted to you is important to him.

The Sagittarius man loves beautiful women on the inside and out. That being the case, you’re the woman he wants to do fun things and be kinky with. Share your biggest fantasies with him.

He’ll love hearing about it and he may try to do things to facilitate your kinky thoughts into reality. He will love experiencing it with you. Your libido is going to have to be up there with him.

Don’t be surprised if he grabs you a lot. He loves to touch you. He may grab your bottom or pat it often. He will also kiss you often. Sagittarius really enjoys this!

Grow A Forever Love With Your Sagittarius Man

You now have some building blocks on how to create a happy marriage with a Sagittarius man.

What happens when he kind of seems cold?

Is he keeping it simple and now you’re not sure where things stand?

Does he seem like he’s keeping secrets from you?

What will you do now that he seems so mysterious?

How do you get him to stay with you and love you forever?

I tell you what… there is something you can do.

You have to agree that this is what you really want.

Sagittarius man can sometimes be a bit back and forth with his feelings until he commits.

Being married to him is amazing until he feels something is missing. What is it?

What can you do to make sure your love lasts a lifetime with Sagittarius man?

Click here right now for a special package I put together for you! <<

If you’re ready to ensure your future with Sagittarius man then you will take advantage of my knowledge.

I really and truly hope you do. I wish you all the luck of the Universe, darling!

Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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